How To Add Meta Tag Description To Each Blogger Post

How To Add Meta Tag Description To Each Blogger Post
As we all knows that in blogger new interface a search preferences section is added. Which is very helpful for all blogger and to make their blog search engine friendly. This search section contain a good things and today i m going to discuss that to add Meta Tag Description to blogger posts. In old interface we are unable to use this feature , we only use to only homepage manually. So now everyone can easily added this to every post without any coding. You just need to enable the search preferences section.
Also Read :- Make Your Blog SEO Friendly

What is Meta Tag Description ?

Meta Tag Description is an HTML element which helps t describe the webpage to search engine crawler. In simple words it tell us the information about the web page. So search engine provide in search result and place your web page in proper place in search result.

Adding A Meta Tag Description To Each Blogger Post

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Setting >> Search Preferences.
  • Click on Meta Tags section and Tick on "Yes" to enable it.
  • Now a box will appear and write your blog description in it , but make sure it doesn't 150 characters.
  • Click on save changes button.
If you are using blogger custom template. Because in some templates these meta tags doesn't works but in blogger default template it works fine. So in order to work fine meta tag in blogger custom template you just need to insert the a short in your template to solve this problem.
  • Go to blogger dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML.
  • Search <head> and paste the below code just below/after <head>
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>

  • Save your template.
After enabling the meta tags when you go to create a new post you will see a search description section on the sidebar , where you can write a description about your post. This description section is disable but after doing the whole procedure it becomes enable for every post and page.
How To Add Meta Tag Description To Each Blogger Post
Write your description about your post in box and publish it.

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