How to SEO Optimize Blogger Comments?

In previous tutorial of (TrueBloggingTricks) we disused How To SEO Optimize Archive Links In Blogger but in this tutorial we are going to disused about blogger comments. Comments are very important for blogger blog because they are by search engines very easily. So if a blog having lots of comments from the visitors so its a good thing. Google and other search engines give very importance to the blog which are commented mostly. This show a popularity of blog or usefulness of blog. But when a visitor leave a badlinks in posts then it becomes a headache for blog. Badlinks in comments can also destroy your blog SEO. We keep the comments as nofollow links and nofollow means we instruct the search engines crawler and to not crawl the links into comments but crawl only the contents of the comment.

This is the best thing because you cant give any dofollow link to the commentators. Its reduce your page rank and very harmful for your blog SEO. By default in many platform like WordPress add nofollow HTML attribute to the comments link. But in blogger this sitting is not available we can do it manually by ourselves.

How to optimize Blog's Comments ?

  • Goto blogger.
  • Template  >> EDIT HTML
  • Find the below code by pressing Ctrl+f

  • Now replace the above code with below code.
rel='external nofollow' expr:href='data:post.createLinkUrl' 
Click on save button and you done it.

 Its your turn :-

I m trying my best to solve all problems that you are facing while working blogger. So if you facing any problem about this tutorial feel free contact us or comment it in the below box.

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